Laboratories linked to the sector

NEPHES ↠ Núcleo de Estudo e Pesquisa em História Econômica e Social: Que conta com a participação dos seguintes docentes: Luiz Fernando Saraiva e Carlos Gabriel Guimarães

CEO ↠ Center of Nineteenth Century Studies: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Carlos Gabriel Guimarães, Giselle Martins Venancio, Gladys Sabina Ribeiro, Humberto Fernandes Machado, Jonis Freire, Karoline Carula and Paulo Cruz Terra

City and Power Laboratory: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Gizlene Neder

COMMUN: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Leonardo Marques and Tâmis Peixoto Parron

Companhia das Índias ↠ Iberian and Colonial History in the Modern Epoch: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Elisa Frühauf Garcia, Georgina Silva Dos Santos, Luciano Raposo de Almeida Figueiredo, Luiz Carlos Soares, Marcelo da Rocha Wanderley, Maria Fernanda Baptista Bicalho, Renato Júnio Franco and Rodrigo Nunes Bentes Monteiro

ESCRITAS ↠ History/Historiography Writings from the South: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Giselle Martins Venancio, Maria Verónica Secreto Ferreras and Ronald José Raminelli

HEQUS: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Carlos Gabriel Guimarães, Jonis Freire and Luiz Fernando Saraiva

Labhoi ↠ Laboratory of Images and Oral History: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Ana Maria Mauad de Sousa Andrade Essus, Hebe Maria da Costa Mattos Gomes de Castro, Juniele Rabêlo de Almeida, Paulo Knauss de Mendonça, Samantha Viz Quadrat and Thaddeus Gregory Blanchette

LEGES: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Carolina Coelho Fortes, Karla Guilherme Carloni, Karoline Carula and Lívia Gonçalves Magalhães

NEAF ↠ African Studies Group: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Alexsander Lemos de Almeida Gebara, Marcelo Bittencourt Ivair Pinto and Marina Annie Martine Berthet Ribeiro

NEMIC: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Ismênia de Lima Martins

NUPEHC ↠ Cultural History Studies Group: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Angela Maria de Castro Gomes, Larissa Moreira Viana, Maria Regina Celestino de Almeida, Martha Campos Abreu and Rachel Soihet

PROPRIETAS: In which the following teaching staff from the sector participate Márcia Maria Menendes Motta

