Power and Society
Power and Society Line of Research gathers projects from the six PPGH -UFF sectors. The transversal themes aim to investigate the different forms and practices of power, through a broad conceptualization, capable of involving various social life aspects. With many possible meanings, power is a pervasive, relational and historical notion, which expresses itself in individual and collective action, and that, therefore, concerns the universe of politics, economy and culture, from ancient to contemporary societies. The relationships between power and society can unfold in reflective studies on different dimensions of writing of history, and on individual and collective strategies for exercising domination and sovereignty, resulting in different forms of subjection and resistance. We highlight the performance of pressure groups within State institutions and civil society; of different forms of power organization, through laws, regimes and government systems; of intellectual and conceptual vocabulary, and political languages, both forged over time for the maintenance or questioning of constituted powers; of formal and informal conflicts, on local or global level, in its most different manifestations (legal disputes, economic strife, wars, diplomatic relations etc.); of symbolic systems that gave sense and meaning to power relations. Benefiting from diversified and updated theoretical-methodological contributions, the Power and Society Line of Research remains in close contact with other disciplines, such as Political Theory, Anthropology, Economics, Philology, Philosophy, Semiotics, Sociology, Literature, Law, International Relations, among others.