



História das Mulheres e das Relações de Gênero

Apresentação - 9
Magali Gouveia Engel

Mulheres forras – riqueza e estigma social - 65       
Sheila de Castro Faria

This article focuses the possibilities of the slave women, particularly those African born, in accumulating financial resources to buy their freedom throught their several professional activities, especially in the retail trade. Many of them already freed, although not their major part, had their names situated in the inventories of people who had left a great amount of money and many proprieties to their descendants. Nevertheless, even becoming rich women, they could not reach any social position of prestige. The extremely hierarchical colonial society did not allow to the black women and their descendants to get the highest ranks of prestige because they carried on their professional activities and in the colour of their skin the stigmatizing elements of the social classification.


Macunaíma: “sintoma de cultura nacional” - 113           
Adriana Facina Gurgel do Amaral



Cidades... - 185

Monica Velloso

Notícias - 191

Resumos - 199