



História das Mulheres e das Relações de Gênero

Apresentação - 9
Magali Gouveia Engel

O nascimento do Mangue: raça, nação e o controle da prostituição no Rio de Janeiro, 1850-1942 - 43       
Sueann Caulfield

This article traces the conflictive history of public policies and police actions regarding prostitution in downtown Rio de Janeiro from the end of the nineteenth century until the 1940s. The major focus is on the constitution of a police-regulated prostitution district in Mangue, a poor neighborhood adjacent to the city’s center. Brazilian law never officially sanctioned state regulation of prostitution, but municipal law granted police broad “discretionary powers” to act in defense of public morality, specifically by controlling prostitution. Police attempts to exert this power, however, met with resistance from prostitutes as well as from a variety of legal and medical authorities. Although police implemented various registration and zoning policies, beginning in the nineteenth century, they were not able to effectively enforce these measures in Mangue until the dictatorial regime of Getúlio Vargas took power in the late 1930s.

Mulheres forras – riqueza e estigma social - 65           
Sheila de Castro Faria


Macunaíma: “sintoma de cultura nacional” - 113           
Adriana Facina Gurgel do Amaral



Cidades... - 185

Monica Velloso

Notícias - 191

Resumos - 199