



História das Mulheres e das Relações de Gênero

Apresentação - 9
Magali Gouveia Engel

Mulheres forras – riqueza e estigma social - 65           
Sheila de Castro Faria


Macunaíma: “sintoma de cultura nacional” - 113           
Adriana Facina Gurgel do Amaral

Outras palavras: educação sindical em São Bernardo nos anos 70/90 - 137       
Kátia Rodrigues Paranhos

Between the years 1971 and 1993, union leaders from São Bernardo do Campo were engaged in mobilizing metal workers through cultural programs, political formation planning. and communication projects. In this way, in seeking to organize these workers, the field of union education was instituted as a strategy of struggle in those decisive years. In this article, I intend to survey the repertoire of practices of these union leaders with a view to showing the basic concerns of the so-called “new unionization” on the Brazilian scene in the 70’s to the 90’s. In this way, upon consulting vast research material from the São Bernardo (Metalworkers) Union one comes across not only new ways of speaking and new political, economic, and social images from the “battleground”. One also comes across a significant weight given to union education activities.



Cidades... - 185

Monica Velloso

Notícias - 191

Resumos - 199