



História das Mulheres e das Relações de Gênero

Apresentação - 9
Magali Gouveia Engel

Mulheres forras – riqueza e estigma social - 65           
Sheila de Castro Faria


A “capital de um pavoroso reino”: Fortaleza e a seca de 1877 - 93       
Frederico de Castro Neves

The main goal of this article is to search the painful way that the “retirantes” did in 1877 going to Fortaleza, when they occupied and changed the city. The attempt of pursuing a contemporary chronicler, Rodolpho Theophilo, and facing him with another resources in the research, set an opportunity to drawn a large landscape of the conflicts and the limit experiences that both poor peasants and city inhabitants deeply lived at this time. New experiences and new ways of relationships that search to accept a forced living together and that changed the city life forever.

Macunaíma: “sintoma de cultura nacional” - 113           
Adriana Facina Gurgel do Amaral



Cidades... - 185

Monica Velloso

Notícias - 191

Resumos - 199