



Imagem e Cultura Visual

Apresentação - 9
Ana Maria Mauad
Paulo Knauss de Mendonça

Arte e modernidade germânica - 83           
Sheila Cabo Geraldo

A fotografia como documento. Robert Capa e o miliciano abatido na Espanha: sugestões para um estudo histórico - 131       
Ulpiano T. Bezerra de Meneses

The article starts with a survey of morphological features that distinguish Capa’s famous photo taken near Córdoba in 1936. Since doubts were raised in the 1970s about the picture’s reliability as an unposed document, the problem of its authenticity is briefly commented but the focus is displaced to an understanding of a possible basis for its iconization related to the Spanish Civil War (or even war in general). Current issues on collective imagination and sensibility patterns are not disallowed but the urge for the study of the image’s agency is assessed as a prerequisite for a truly Visual History.





Notícias - 207

Resumos - 219