L'équipe de redaction

Rennan de Souza Lemos

Student of History at Universidade Federal Fluminense with the monograph "An archaeology of the urban landscape of Amarna: ritual and religiousness in ancient Egypt (c. 1350-1330 BC)". Has experience in Egyptology and Archaeology, working in the following subjects: Amarna Period; religion, ritual and religiousness; funerary beliefs and practices; landscape; ancient city.  Currently is a research fellow in the Laboratory for Egyptological Studies.  Is also an associated of the Egypt Exploration Society (London) and of the American Research Center in Egypt (Cairo). Contact: rslemos@id.uff.br.

Ana Carolina Moliterno Lopes de Oliveira

Student of History at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Has experience in Ancient History and Archaeology, mainly in Celtic Studies and European Prehistory focused on British Islands, working in the following subjects: religiousness and ritualization, space, identity, hybridism, landscape and ritual.  Was monitor of Ancient History in 2011, inserted in the project "The Internet and the teaching  of History" and developing a website.  Member of the Center for Studies of Representations and Images of Antiquity (NEREIDA).

Camila Alves Jourdan

Student of History at Universidade Federal Fluminense. The researches undertaken emphasize the area of Ancient History, addressing issues related to the sea, navigation and the notion of metis. For this, the analysis of imagery is emphasized, as well as the political relations at Athens during the Classical Period.

Letícia Sousa Campos da Silva

Master candidate in History at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Graduated in History by the same university. Has experience in Medieval History, working in the following subjects: Christianity, Caesarius of Arles, episcopate, Merovingian Gaul, Gregory of Tours, medieval hagiography, santity, Venantius Fortunatus.

Jéssica Furtado de Sousa Leite 

Student of History at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Has experience in Medieval History, working in the following subjects: Political History, Reconquest, relations between the Chruch and the State. Currently is research fellow with a scholarship from Universidade Federa Fluminense/CNPq.

Eduardo Cardoso Daflon

Student of History at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Member of the Translatio Studii - Dimensions of the Middle Ages, with scholarship from the CNPq. Work in the folowing subjects: Middle Ages, Visigoth Kingdom, State, Germanics, Rome and hierarchization.