


(1) Book: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion. Sete olhares sobre a Antiguidade. Brasília: Editoria da UnB, 1994. 

(2) Book chapter: LESKO, Leonard H. Cosmogonias e cosmologia do Egito antigo. In: SHAFER, Byron E. (ed.). As religiões no Egito antigo: deuses, mitos e rituais domésticos. São Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 2002, pp. 108-148. 

(3) Article: BAINES, John. Practical religion and piety, Journal of Egyptian Archaeolgy, 73, 1987, pp. 79-98. 

(4)Thesis/Dissertaion: CHAPOT, Gisela. O senhor da ordenação: um estudo da relação entre o faraó Akhenaton e as oferendas divinas e funerárias durante a Reforma de Amarna (1353-1335 a.C.). Niterói: Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2007.


Book reviews


The evaluation process

1) Each papers will be sent anonymously to a referee member of the Editorial or Advisory Boards. Supposing the article is approved, a acceptance letter will be sent to the author.
2) If the article is rejected, we will send it to another referee. In the case of disagreement, we will send the text for a third referee to tie. 
3) All the articles will pass to at least three referees.

The evaluation of an article consists of a series  of comments on the text received for pubication. In the end of the comments, the referee must address if the article should be accepted without changes, accepted after modifications (in this case, referres must address the necessary changes) or rejected. The Editorial Team of Plêthos will accept the evaluations of the referees.