ISSN: 2236-5028

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Plêthos 2, 1, 2012


 Editorial - Rennan de Souza Lemos e Ana Carolina Moliterno Lopes de Oliveira


  • Dossier: Identity and cultural exchanges

 Introduction: identity and cultural exchanges - Letícia Sousa Campos da Silva (UFF)

 Conflict and cooperation - the poles of the relations between Romans and Goths - Sandro Teixeira Moita (UNIRIO)

 On identity and cultural exchanges in the Medieval "Spain" - Anna Carla Monteiro de Castro (UFF)

 The use of the concept of identity in the studies about Middle Ages: a look at England in the period of Alfred the Great (871-899) - Isabela Dias de Albuquerque (UFRJ)

 The presence of foreigners in the Egyptian funerary context of the New Kingdom - Moacir Elias Santos (UFF)


  • Articles

 The Green the the Blue in the Secret History of Procopius - Willibaldo Rupenthal Neto (UFRGS)

 "For us the work is restricted and without glory" (Annals IV, 32, 2): Captatio Benevolentiae and Amplificatio in the Annals of Tacitus - Ygor Klain Belchior (UFOP)

 An introduction to the Late Roman Empire: research and scientific 

debate in Brazil - Brunno Oliveira Araújo (UFF)

 The power polarized: the master of the apostolic faith in the "orthodox" ekklesia from the Against Heresies of Irenaeus of Lyon - Ludimila Caliman Campos (UFES)

 Church, asceticism, and power in the Late Antiquity: the diaconate of Olympia in Constantinople - João Carlos Furlani (UFES)

 The beating heart: a reflection about the central role of the matrimonial relations in Castile during the reign of Alfonso X (1252-1284) - Thiago Pereira da Silva Magela (UFF)

 The psychology of Plato: on the theory of the human psyché (soul) in the dialog Phaedrus, from the categories of Apollonian and Dionysian - Anamar Moncavo Oliveira (UERJ)

 The king and the counties: the relation between powers from the chapters of the Courts of 1436 - Rafaella Caroline Azevedo Ferreira de Sousa (UFF)


  • Book Review

 "Uma história da guerra viking", by Renan Marques Birro - André Araúo de Oliveira (UFES)


  • Annotated Bibliography

 History of Egiptomania in Brazil: annotated bibliography - Margaret Marchiori Bakos (PUC-RS), Moacir Elias Santos (UFF), Liliane Cristina Coelho (UFF) e Gregory da Silva Balthazar (UFPR)


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